Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Rip60 Suspension Trainer Review



So I've always had my eye on a TRX system. But at a price point of $189, it was a bit too rich for my blood. So when I heard Jillian Michaels has endorse the RIP60 tool, and then I saw where it clocked in at $75 I was inticed. A couple of quick YouTube videos later I was sold. The piece looks super solid, and that's because it is. It comes with 8 DVDs, a meal plan, and a wall chart. The DVD are well put together but the guy on the video really lost me when he kept reminding me that my body was a river of energy on disk one. It's a little too Berkeley for me. I just wanted someone to show my what exercises to do. The warm was 30 minutes of a 60 minute workout. I didn't have the  patience for this (or the fitness) and I tapped out after 20 minutes. For the next two days my legs were killing me, so if you're new to fitness, go in lightly. The workout it delivers. The other dumb thing about the unit, is although it is built like a tank, the harness is designed to have you putting your weight s