Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Soak Fitness Spray Reviewed - Healthy Habits That May Not Be Healthy



Today I talk about use of Soak Fitness, and some habits you may be doing that may seem smart or healthy but research is saying its not. Soak Fitness Spray Reviewed I know I need to life weights. I know that leads to discomfort many times (we all know to start slow, but most of us don't). So how do I make these awful feeling go away? How to I get my muscles to loosen up? Wen I searched the web I found a product that is dedicated to one thing: get you and your muscles to relax and heal. That product is called Soak Fitness. I bought the spray bottle (as I'm not one for using the bath tub except for showers). I went to the gym, and lifted lots of weights with my legs. The next day, I had achieved my goal of having sore muscles. When I went to bed, I sprayed one leg with Soak Fitness, and the other I did nothing. The next day, the leg I sprayed had less pain then the one that I didn't spray. It Catches You Off Guard The one thing I was not expecting was the aroma of Soak Fitness. It has Peppermint in i