Starseed Radio Academy

Threads of Alcyone



Aaron Jones is a Frequency Code Artist, Light Language Speaker, Singer, Fashion and Textiles Designer and Intuitive working primarily with colour, sound and symbols, to assist and support, based in England.  Over the years, Aaron has been listening, remembering and allowing creation to pour through him with grace and ease, so he can assist in our New Earth. Through his exploration he came to understand that his mastery is in working with codes, colours and sound as tools for assistance.  He has fully moved into creating from the unknown and released creating from ego, allowing him to bring through magical creations straight from his Divine. He offers personalised, highly coded art pieces for his clients to assist them in their ascension path and to help them to remember who they are. As well as offering light language recordings to empower and support, Aaron speaks the galactic languages of Pleiadian, Sirian, Lyran and a playful Faery Language. He is honoured and deeply humbled to share his gifts, from his he