Prairie Goth

No Future



sad time kid has a backup plan all day dangerous I'll marry anyone goth machines swim in the moon heat vomit cookies in a rocking chair know yourself max out your clip boa rd st air case l in t smokeless g low show you r polar win gs c ass et te muscles li vi ng in crescent ci t y it's explosive barking dogs in the delorean the hips I'll never have you did way more work on the night furnace my cranium likes to say hi modernity out to scorch the sky sunset awash co nsc io us tox in ruin ferric jumpsuit ash en t all gr a s s brut al c la pping illuminate the snow somebody stole my laundry detergent it's o kay o live o p en mo uth in my fr i end's car long hair is use ful fond of the fond of the beat of the beat of the beat the beat the beat fond of the beat I'm playing fond of the beat God the beat I'm fond of the God I'm fond God to the beat of Im fond of fond to mouth G o d  be fond to the beat of the beat  the beat I'm playing my friend's God I'm the beat of the be at of th e b eat I 'm fo nd o f t h e b e a