Reggae Lover

Backing Band Culture



This episode takes a look at the world of reggae backing bands and the legends they support. Our guest is Stevie Culture, a musician from the west coast of Jamaica who's has been playing and performing Reggae music for more than 2 decades.  The backing band culture seldom gets highlighted or explored though it's a major part of Jamaican music culture. This is a tribute to the musicians in the background, working to support the major Reggae artists. Every big show is facilitated by these amazing people behind the scenes. They never get the recognition they deserve - until now that is. Stevie Culture has been a member of major backing bands, Sane Band, the Fifth Extension, Prophecy Band, and Ninja Force Band. He has been on stage with some of the greatest artists of all time including Dennis Brown, Freddie McGregor, Yellow Man, Garnet Silk, and Capleton. He has traveled around the world touring and playing reggae music. We are grateful that he could share these amazing stories on your platform.Tastemake