Grace Church

Spiritual Resolve | Living for God in a godless Society | Week 1



Spiritual Resolve January 8, 2023 | Pastor Derek | Daniel 1  Big Idea: Choose your kingdom to choose your battles.    4 Temptations of a Godless Society   New Place: ISOLATION   New Knowledge: INDOCTRINATION  New Names: IDENTITY  New Diet: COMPROMISE    4 Choices of Spiritual Resolve   Resist ISOLATION with COMMUNITY  Undermine cultural INDOCTRINATION with God’s TRUTH   Supplant secondary IDENTITIES with WHO YOU ARE in CHRIST  Wisely resist COMPROMISE and TAKE A STAND    To Consider:  Where have you become ISOLATED?   Where have you become INDOCTRINATED by our culture?   Where has your IDENTITY gotten wrapped up in something other than Child of God?   Where have your values become COMPROMISED?     Find more resources at