Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

381 - Optimizing Clarity Through Creativity



Flow State is a profound state of being. A state of being that just may be key to me optimizing my clarity this year. For WHAT are you Optimizing in 2023? In this episode I reflect on how to use that childlike skill of engaging in mind-wandering. I did land on a few points of clarity to kick start my work this year. I am more excited about what I can learn from this theme. Join me on the journey, NOT specifically on my path, but on the journey along your own path. I'll hold space for you while you explore for what you need to optimize and how. This is the focus of my coaching practice. I welcome a chance to chat with you about how I can help. Walk with me using one or all of these options:    Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TODAY to evaluate where to focus. Try out The BIG SIX and learn about your personality tendencies. Book a complimentary  Exploratory Conversation to get a taste of my services. Follow or Connect with Me on LINKEDIN