Upnxt W/ Braden Herrington & Davie Portman

upNXT MOVIE REVIEW: Money Plane (2020)



Braden Herrington is joined by friend of the show John Siino to chat all about WWE’s Edge and Kelsey Grammer starring in this ridiculous new action movie: Money Plane! The lads go through and review this entire movie with such an insane plot. An underground casino with the world’s deadliest criminals… all on board a plane! Adam Copeland aka Edge stars as a professional thief trying to repay his debt to evil crime lord Kelsey Grammar… it’s actually insane. From snakes and piranhas, to Russian roulette, cryptocurrency, cheesy one liners… and Joey Lawrence. This movie has it all. The lads give their honest opinion on this wacky film, thoughts on what could’ve made it (a lot) better, all the weird cameos, dumb fight scenes, stereotypical action movie tropes, praise Edge and his legit acting chops, but also a drone… with a gun?  They watched it, so you don’t have to. Money Plane. From IMDB - Money Plane: "A professional thief with $40 million in debt and his family's life on the line must commit one fin