Upnxt W/ Braden Herrington & Davie Portman

upNXT MOVIE REVIEW: Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker



Braden Herrington and Davie Portman have reviewed every single Star Wars movie, and now it’s time to take one last look, at our friends…  It’s The Rise of Skywalker! The dead speak! The BDE finally conclude their trip through hyperspace and the Star Wars saga as they review Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker featuring the return of the Emperor Palpatine (and terrible writing), all the huge epic lightsaber duels, the legend that is Babu Frik, stunning visuals and cool new planets, Sith “way finders”, Kylo’s new mask, the lack of Rose, cameos and callbacks to all the past movies, JJ Abrams vs Rian Johnson… and more! The lads take all your feedback and thoughts on the movie, and then give their official Star Wars film franchise rankings... And so much more! May the force be with you, always. On the upNXT Patreon, Braden and Davie review AEW Dynamite each Thursday as well as retro NXT reviews, Best Match Ever, and tons of other podcasts. This week features The Wrestler (2008), Best Match Ever: Backlash, and so