5 Smooth Stones

The systemic lies of white supremacy are our world's ruling religion



Seth will explain Exposition 30 TUESDAY NIGHT. These are thirty areas in all our lives that are saturated with the lies of white supremacy (black inferiority) in thought, speech, or behavior (see photo). This is practiced by all types of people who have succumbed to the doctrine, consciously or unconsciously. This clearly creates an unlevel playing field. Lies, deception, and ignorance must be in place regarding so-called black people's past, present, and projected future for this evil to prevail as it has. Sister Arlene and Brother Seth invite the public and co-hosts to the making of Seth's upcoming book, "The systemic lies of white supremacy are our world's ruling religion." This is the fourth program in a series on Blogtalkradio. The system of white supremacy is one of the most successful tools of the enemy. While many are waking up and resisting the notion that so-called whites are superior in any way in thought, speech, or behavior, millions are obliviously serving and giving their strength to this idola