5 Smooth Stones

When entertainers are worshipped and strange gods transform our homes



SUNDAY'S TOPIC: When entertainers are worshipped and strange gods transform our homes. This topic speaks for itself and is obviously related to most of our homes in some way. How complicated and strange can things get? Will we ever return to a society resembling the past? When will the good come from social media and its grip on this generation? Is this a work of the Most High in disguise, of the NWO, or both? Can the Most High use what Satan may intend for destruction for good? There is always an upside! There is always hope that defies logic, so lets talk about it! Tune in tonight, Sunday, January 1, 2023, at 8 p.m. CST. To listen to the show or chat, please go to this link:   http://tobtr.com/12182381