
How to Power Enterprises with Intelligent Applications with Jordan Tigani of SingleStore



How to Power Enterprises with Intelligent Applications with Jordan Tigani of SingleStoreJordan Tigani is the Chief Product Officer at SingleStore. He was the co-founding engineer on Google BigQuery. He also led engineering teams then product teams at BQ. SingleStore powers Comcast with their streaming analytics to drive proactive care and real-time recommendations for their 300K events per second. Since switching to SingleStore, Nucleus Security converted its first beta account to a paying customer, increased the number of scans Nucleus can process in one hour by 60X, and saw speed improvement of 20X for the slowest queries.  To be more competitive in our new normal, organizations must make real-time data-driven decisions. And to create a better customer experience and better business outcomes, data needs to tell customers and users what is happening right now. With the pandemic accelerating digitization, and new database companies going public (Snowflake) and filing IPOs (Couchbase), the database industry wi