Authentic Biochemistry

Cell Cycle kinase inhibition may improve healthy cardiac aging while promoting global tumorigenesis. Authentic Biochemistry 10Feb2021 by Dr Guerra.



*Oncogenesis eventuates genetic mutation to epigenetic gene expression mechanisms with molecular signatures either inappropriately proscribed, incorrectly prescribed upon writing as  dangerous and deleterious, or erasure;  leaving a corrupted  chromatin result.  *Tumor cells obtain proliferative autonomy, autophagous –self-maintenance in growth and signaling, neovascularization for nutrient and oxygen supply, and resistance to anti-proliferative and apoptotic stimuli  *In resting cells, the cell cycle is strictly managed by a set of regulatory proteins that control the various cell cycle checkpoints and this will become dysfunction during the early transforming stage of the tumorigenesis via the unregulated dismantling of tumor suppressor genes  *Suppression is the programmed deliberative  inhibition of biochemical events while repression is the unintentional inhibition of biochemical events *When a biochemical  event is de-repressed it is brought back to register, rega