Authentic Biochemistry

T cell metabolic Dialectics : deriving bioenergetic supremecy from glycolysis through fatty acid and lipid synthesis to ultimate fatty acid oxidation and ATP generation. Dr Daniel J. Guerra



Authentic Biochemistry Podcast 29 December 2020 Daniel J. Guerra Ph.D. •All scientific inquiry should start with dialectical method that uses the current knowledge base to generate various specific Theses and then follow each with the counter-argument by employing the Square of Opposition thus producing Anti-theses and then, making the third movement, which allows for a Synthesis that has the flavor of rejection, acceptance or indifference. *Downstream of co-stimulation and PI3K-AKT, the mammalian target of Rapamycin (mTOR) kinase pathway integrates multiple signals and regulates anabolic metabolic reprogramming in T cells exiting quiescence. mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) is required for cell cycle entry and coordination of early metabolic changes that occur upon T cell activation. *T cells deficient in Raptor, an essential component of mTORC1, fail to upregulate the expression of Glut1 and other glycolytic enzymes when activated. *Raptor-deficient T cells also exhibit defects in de novo lipid synthesis and oxidat