Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG318 Author/Actor/Writer Robert Galinsky takes us on a journey to Riker's Island where he runs workshops for teens.



Robert Galinsky’s had a very rough couple of years with his father growing up. His father had undiagnosed depression which as we discussed, he worked through and resolved.   His childhood experiences motivated him to heal and help others has given him a more than full life as an artist: an actor, a writer, director, teacher, coach. Galinsky's suburban life drew him to find out directly how struggling people lived. Galinsky has been running youth writing workshops in Riker's Island for the past 7 years, so he helps us imagine what life is like in Riker's; the teens who are held there what they dream of, how they got there, what they hope to accomplish upon release. After this session, I felt that if there were more Galinsky's and if there was a pipeline for people to become Galinskys, the world would be a better place. When asked about this, Robert says, we're a consumer society and we don't have the will to deal with these issues. I agree, but I will think about incarcerated teens differently because of our t