Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

LIVE Check in Q&A No.83



Have said this one before, but always struggle with making conversations in the DMs. Any tips just to refresh myself Top tips to avoid burn out, especially balancing shift work on PT and building business. The shift work seems draining How do you overcome procrastination and believe that your posts are good enough to post The 90 Day Programme trap' Please can you explain in more detail about this. The reason why I ask is because I have shifted my sales and marketing to attracting leads to my 90day program and I am now a bit concerned I might look like 'one of them coaches' if you know what I mean. My 90day program is 3 months of 1-2-1 online coaching program and if they need/want to continue for longer than 3 months they and and do, I communicate this in the initial consult. Thanks for the feedback. Tips to help with scheduling marketing posts on social media