Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 309 - How To Retire In 7 Years w/ Huw Davies



Got something a little different for you today. Instead of physical fitness, we’re going to dive deep into financial fitness! A friend of mine, Huw Davies, loves helping people solve money problems, so they can get on with the more important things in life. His aim is to make you financially free whilst putting a smile on your face. The beauty of this episode is it’s one for everyone, no matter your income bracket. And Huw explains some strategic shifts you can make in your expenses, savings and investing to maximise your income, and most of all, set yourself up for life. Huw’s own story starts from being up to his eyeballs in debt. Until he decided enough is enough. So he became financially independent in 2016, whereby he built a stocks and shares portfolio he could live off, coupled with a £1m property portfolio, all in the space of 18 months.   Disclaimer - This is not financial advice. Huw is not a qualified financial advisor. He shares his experience with money and his content is for entertainment purpos