More Than A Few Words

#116 LinkedIN Blitz



A few years ago, I commented on a blog post about how you decide who you choose to follow on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The comment led to a lively online conversation with Des Walsh in which I politely disagreed with his approach. In response, he invited me to chat with him via Skype and connect on LinkedIn. While we don't talk to each other regularly, I do keep up with him via his status updates on LinkedIn. And so when he invited me to join his 30 Day LinkedIn Challenge, I was intrigued.  In just a few weeks, I have significantly expanded my activity on LinkedIN, with extremely positive results.  Better conversations, more web traffic and even an interview for a magazine as a result of a question I answered. In this episode, Des and I will talk about a few LinkedIN basics and how you can improve your LinkedIn experience. About Des Walsh - Des is a power LinkedIn user and so far the group has really helped me expand my LinkedIn activities. I have enjoyed being a part of the group so much, I convince