More Than A Few Words

#97 Half Baked Marketing Ideas



It is the week of the 4th of July, so we assume most of our readers and listeners will be taking the day off.  But just in case you are craving a little dose of marketing, we thought we would share a recap of some of  our best clips from the Half Baked Marketing ideas from Steven Shattuck. If you are a regular listener of #MTFW, you know that each week, Steven joins us for the last 10 minutes of the program to kick off a conversation about one of his half baked ideas.  Allison and I, and sometimes our guests kick around ways to refine the idea and make it viable.  Today we present three conversations: How to improve the Post Office How to improve the NPR Pledge Drive How to use marketing and social media to get Pacer fans re-engaged. This is one of our favorite parts of each week’s podcast.  We hope you enjoy the collection.  And if you have an idea you would like us to discuss, post it here or share it on Twitter using the hashtag : #mtfw. And don’t forget to join us next week, when we will be live with an