Conrad Rocks

Missing God - A good idea or a GOD idea?



How do we know that we are hearing from God? My experiences and some bible experiences coming your way in this podcast. Is it a good idea? or a God idea?;. Psalm 127 Except the Lord build the house we are wasting our time; God still speaks from heaven Heb 12;25; Zeal without knowledge; Follower comments from Facebook; Lori - wanted her husband to change; Christin - wanted to go to church class; Randy and the sovereignty of God; Missing it and getting sick? What?; Paul left Trophimus sick 2 Tim 4:20; Rev 2:22 Jesus casts church members in sickbed? ; Drinking the cup of Christ unworthily and getting sick 1 Cor 11:24-30; Act 9:15-16 Suffering is part of the Christian walk; Many confirmations before I moved to Florida; Tempting God to get out of it; Gideon developing his relationship through confirmations; Jesus Jam Texas event confirmations; Lucifer's 5 I wills versus Jesus' Thy Will; The dream about Pascagoula; Where God guides, God provides; Joshua not praying about the Gibeonites; Abraham and