Conrad Rocks

Effective Prayer - Facebook Chimes in



Show Notes: I posted a question on Facebook asking followers about their tips on effectual prayer. Rachel says something happens when she prays for others; James 5:16 says to pray for one another; William says to pray scripture back to God; Isaiah 55:11 GOds word comes like rain; Many people mentioned persistence in prayer; The widow and the unjust judge Luke 18; Luke 11 and the persistent man that needed bread; Marshall says faith is the key; Mustard seed faith luke 17:6 and Luke 13:18,19; Faith works by love Gal 5:6; Cindy says to pray in the spirit; Stefanie says spirit led prayer with the word; Groaning intercession; Jesus groaned before raising Lazarus John 11:33; Rom 8:26 the spirit groans effective prayer; Bobby quotes according to God's will in 1 John 5:14-15; Carol says be intimate and spend time with God; Hosea 5:15 God lets things get tough so we seek Him; Heb 11:6 God rewards those that seek Him diligently; Jesus urges the church to go back to their first love Revelation 2:4-5