Conrad Rocks

Intentional Thought Life



Digging into having an intentional proactive thought life. Being proactive about what we allow into our minds; Cast down vain imaginations 2 Corinthians 10:5; Don't be conformed but renew our minds Rom 12:1,2; Think about what is holy and pure Philippians 4:8; Being proactive with spiritual armor Eph 6; We unconsciously create thinking habits; It begins when we wake up; Eve wasn't proactive in guarding her thoughts; God wants us to have good success in His Word Josh 1:8; Our silly thoughts lead to destruction Pro 22:13, Prom 20:4; Keeping our mind on God gives us peace Is 26:3; Our negative thoughts turn into our identity; David was proactive in his thought life 1 sam 30; David reframed his thoughts about Goliath ; Humming to spice up our thought life; Rehearsing God's promises and loving my cat; Rehearsing and meditating on scripture proactively; A friend set his watch at 10:10 each day for John 10:10; Affirmation reminder apps to remind you; Links to similar podcast and posts: https://www