Conrad Rocks

Satan on the WarPath - again



Well, it looks like the devil was on the warpath recently. Let's talk about it. Many people contacted me about demonic attacks; 2013 vid ; Devil looks for permission - 1 peter 5:8,9; Submit to God and resist James 4:7; Give no place to the devil Eph 4:26-27; ; Satan waits for an Opportune time Luke 4:13; Standing with the armor Ephesians 6:11-13; Satan provoked even David 1 Chronicles 21:1; Faith is a fight for a crown 2 Timothy 4:7-8; Opportunity to rise up; The Authority of Jesus Matt 28:18; Access to the Father via the Spirit Eph 2:18; Let the Spirit speak through you Mark 13:11; Please, Rate, Share, Comment! Join the Inner Circle!