Conrad Rocks




This journey began while dropping my phone around 4 am. 1 Timothy 6:20‭-‬21 avoiding profane bablings; 2 Timothy 2:23 Avoid unlearned questions; Christians feel compelled to defend God; Satan needs permission to devour weak lambs; Awesome apologetics is not the end goal; Signs will follow believers; Empiricists fight the spirit -Jude 1:19; Science falsely so called; 1 Tim 6:20-21; 1 Peter 3:15 starts with 'BUT'; Putting 1 Peter 3:15 in context; Matt 5:10-12 we are blessed when persecuted; Prov 15:28 heart of the righteous ponders; Psalm 119:46 Tested before kings; Daniel 3:16-18 on Trial for faith; Matthew 10:18-20 tested before Governors; Luke 21:14,15 Let the Spirit speak; Acts 5:29-31 Obey God rather than man; 2 timothy 2 :25 Gently instructed opponents; Living in Experiential theology; Top Theologians could not defeat the Spirit; Share! Rate! Support! Join the Inner Circle!