Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Erin Falconer, Cultivating and Setting Boundaries in Modern Friendships, Episode 282



Today I am happy to have Erin Falconer. She is the author of the book, How To Break-Up with Your Friends: Finding Meaning, Connection and Boundaries in Modern Friendship, which is focused on creating meaningful connections with friends. One of the things I’ve enjoyed most this past month is girlfriend time. One of my girlfriends hosted a holiday book exchange, I had several 3-hour long lunches with besties, dinners over great meals, and just catch-ups on the phone. All this, along with this interview made me realize how much I have been longing for more girlfriend time. So yes, it's a declaration I’ve made for 2023. This interview will encourage you to take a look, cultivate and set boundaries in your relationship with your friends and inspire you to up your friendship game. In This Episode: Erin talks about how the seeds of her new book about friendship, “How To Break Up With Your Friends?” were planted Her realization when she evaluated her circle of friends Why you need to start really being c