Katr® News Network

The Time To Leap From The Beast is Now



It is time people! Leap from the evil platforms that make merchandise of your data and warp your mind with addictive platforms! It is time to re-define yourself outside big-social-media. Create your own personal sites, blogs, and streams! Re-connect with friends and family in the old ways, or create new ones! If we move in unison we can topple and confuse this beast that attempts to craft and control our every more. We can never destroy it, nor should we desire to. What we can do is create the "Class of 2018" of people who reject the control grid program. A fresh community of reality minded people, who seek to reduce 'screen time' in favor of re-discovering what being a free, autonomous individual is all about. You can be assured that the life you find on the other side is an improvement from that of a 'scroll slave'. You can still use the internet and technology. You can keep in contact with everyone you know. You can still create and share the art you create. You just have to take a more acti