Virtue For Women

Episode 6: True Wisdom | James 3:13-18 with Sue Mills



This week our study couldn’t be more perfect as we step into 2023. Raise your hand if you need wisdom! We all want to make right decisions and say the right thing. James looks at God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom. Just as you can identify a tree by the type of fruit it produces, you can evaluate your wisdom by the way you act. In this episode, Sue reminds us that wisdom flows from seeing God for who He is and responding appropriately. If you’re looking for a practical how-to, she gives it in three simple steps. Know your God. Trust and obey. Ask. The steps are the same for every person—whether you are just discovering faith or if you’ve been walking this path for many years. We can trust the Creator of the universe (He created you!) to give us His wisdom. Do you believe that? Come and see.      -- To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to the show: https://harvest.