Tony Diaz #npradio

Michael Moore, cd. Harris County Commissioner PCT 3; Adam Sanchez cd. Stafford City Council Races



Thank you for tuning into Latino Politics and News. I'm Tony Diaz. We are recording remotely for broadcast on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. This is the best way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Should it take 10 calls to find out who is in charge of graffiti on a bridge in your neighborhood? Should it be easy to find out which branch of government is responsible for that bridge? What if you run for mayor, and lose? Is your political career over before it takes off? We’ll be tackling those issue on today’s program and more. At the top of the show, we'll speak with Michael Moore, candidate for Harris County Precinct 3. He is in a Democrat run-off July 14. During the second half of the show, we also speak with Adam Sanchez who is running for Stafford City Council in November. And we begin the program with news impacting our community. Nationally: We are proud that the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund is suing on behalf of U.S. Citizens who filed taxes as Mixed immigration Status family households and as a resu