Faith Works Summer Devotions

Why Church History? More Than Dates and Dead People



You’ve probably heard these questions or asked them yourself: What happened after the end of the New Testament?  How did we get the Bible as we have it today?  Why is there an “Eastern” and a “Western” church?  Why are there “Catholics” and “Protestants?”  Why are there so many denominations in the United States? Church history gives us answers to these questions and many more.  Contrary to popular belief, church history isn’t just a dry and boring list of “dates and dead people.”  As believers, church history is our family history and like every family, we’ve had some serious ups and downs over the centuries.  But ultimately, church history is a story – a story of God’s faithfulness to every generation, a story of the tension we live in between the “now and the not yet,” and a story of ordinary people that God has used in extraordinary ways.  This semester, we’ll cover church history in a devotional format – in other words, we will certainly discuss the big events, key