Embolden Adventures

Podcast #11 - Kilimanjaro Podcast featuring US Marine and friend, Kim



This Kilimanjaro podcast is part of the travel series on Mount Kilimanjaro. In 2017, I will make my way to Tanzania in Africa to climb the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. As I prepare for this feat, I had the chance to chat with high school friend and US Marine, Kim. Kim climbed Mt Kilimanjaro and spent some time talking to me on this Kilimanjaro podcast about all things Kilimanjaro. An Embolden Adventure up Kilimanjaro So what business does this New York City gal have climbing one of the tallest mountains in the world, Kilimanjaro? I don’t know either, but I am going to give it a shot this year. Join me in my journey as I ready myself to summit this mountain along with friends from around the world. Check out the full Kilimanjaro experience here. http://www.emboldenadventures.com/embolden-adventures-kilimanjaro/ Mt Kilimanjaro, an old volcano, is the fourth most prominent peak in the world. Known as “Africa’s Rooftop”, it is the tallest point in all of the continent, standing at 19,341 f