Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

The New Relationship Marketing for Real Estate Investors



We all know the importance of marketing in your real estate investing business. Marketing always involves using your time or your money, and in most cases, it’s a little bit of both. Today I want to talk about the new relationship marketing for real estate investors, what that means, and how can you implement it in your business. What’s the benefit of implementing this in your business? The biggest benefit is that in most cases it’s free and anyone can do it. Strictly defined, Relationship Marketing is a strategy of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that emphasizes customer retention, satisfaction, and lifetime customer value. Its purpose is to market to current customers versus new customer acquisition through sales and advertising. However, you can also turn this around and use some of these same principles to attract and engage new customers and create raving fans in the process, especially since social media and content marketing are such a big part of business success today. Key Highlights: [00:01 -