Ally Loprete

Empty Nest and Exemplary Versions of Yourself



What is the ideal you? And how does one become that? This is something you've been hearing me talk a lot about recently: The importance of having a role model... or several. True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. They affect us because they have touched a part of ourselves that is aching to be stimulated and awakened to its fullest potential. Role models can be real or fictitious. That is right. You have the power to create your ideal and theoretical hero, and you absolutely should. Your hero will advocate for you and your goals. This supreme being takes leadership on the issues that you believe in, handles rejection with grace and integrity, and is a prototype for everything we are creating in ourselves. We often don't recognize our true role models until we have noticed our own personal growth and progress . This week, I am going to tell you about some of my role models and how you can ta