Ally Loprete

How to Build an Income with EBAY --and-- Dealing with post-goal depression



You've succeeded. Now what? There are stories of climbers who have prepared their entire lives to reach the top of Mount Everest, only to climb down into the darkest depression of their lives. Regardless of the victory, post-goal coping can be tough. This weekend I experienced some post-success blues of my own. Closing an incredible 6 week run of my lifelong dream stage production of JCS has unexpectedly brought me from BLISS to BLAH. Once the exhilaration of crossing that finish line has been experienced, everything else just feels mediocre in comparison. The REAL challenge isn't always REACHING the peak... it's dealing with the post-peak gloom. Depression and the Super-Successful It may be hard to empathize with a wealthy and successful depressed person, but it’s definitely worth trying to understand...especially if wealthy and successful is where YOU intend to be. Some of the most successful people in history have suffered from relentless and incapacitating emotional lows. No one-- no matter how abundan