Ally Loprete

Risky Business



They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. If the most successful people really are risk-takers, then our mission is clear. Risky THINKING should become a habitual process for us as entrepreneurs and thought leaders. We all know the importance of creating a workable game plan that will bring you the greatest return of desirable results. -- This may MINIMIZE your risk in business-- but without a "no guts, no glory" outlook, you may never officially launch. The most dangerous risk of all... is NOT taking one. Complacency is not your friend as it leads to stagnation, and if you find yourself with a lack of enthusiasm for your business, your message or your approach to life in general... take it as a good indication that its time to push past your comfort zone. Reinvention is inevitable as nature is ALWAYS changing, adjusting and expanding. GET INTO A NEW HABIT: Take new risks everyday! Life doesn't stop for ANYBODY. Either you keep moving... or you may get PUSHED to move by a not-so-joyful-circumstance... (i