Ally Loprete

Are You Afraid of Success?



You might be holding a magic wand. If you've been following along each week, you have most likely been planting seeds for awhile now. Like the vegetables and flowers in your garden, the seeds need nourishment. Water, sunlight, soil and love. If you have been diligently tending to the seeds of your home based business, there is no telling when they could sprout! For some, seeing those sprouts can be very exciting. For others, overwhelming and downright SCARY. What if that big break to happened TOMORROW? The truth is that we are often not prepared for that million dollar break, and it could be a likely reason why it has not happened yet. Are you sabotaging your own success? I believe in the power of manifestation and that often we will subconsiously wish away the things that we are working so hard to acheive- because deep down we don't feel prepared to handle the success. I am afraid... ...if the local news station runs a segment about me, too many people would see, want to buy my product and I wouldn't have en