Ally Loprete

The 100th Show Reunion Episode



I love a good celebration. A pat on the back for a job well done is all I need to keep going on most days. Even through the most challenging times, I always know that my week shows will lift my spirits and bring me the clarity that I need to do my job to the best of my ability. Broadcasting to you is always the highlight of my week. Together we have set up a space filled with strength, compassion and unlimited possibilities. You are my rock. This episode we will celebrate 100 episodes of This Little Parent Stayed Home together. We've come a long way baby! The best way to celebrate it is to look back, reflect on our journey and get ready for 100 more. Want to know what I have planned for this week? Not a darn thing. I've been told by my darling producer, Kelly St. Clair, that I need to sit back, relax, and trust that the show will just "be there" for me as I have for everyone else. What fun! I am looking forward to being pleasantly surprised! It's going to be an EXCELLENT week!