Ally Loprete

Say Goodbye to your Inner Good Girl



What is the Good Girl? The “Good Girl” is an archetype that has different forms—the judge, the critic, the perfectionist, the people-pleaser to name a few. But no matter the form, the basis of the Good Girl has to do with feeling limited by society’s rules of what a woman should be. It has to do with playing small and feeling stuck in a prison of other people’s ideas. It has to do with feeling like we have to live up to the idea of being “good.” Many times the “good” part of us judges the “badass” part of us and we miss out on the truth of what it means to be a whole woman. Many women seem to come up against this archetype as we begin to explore our true selves and our real desires, or as we up-level our business and personal lives, or as we step into a bigger game that calls for us to be seen and heard. The Good Girl Gremlin seems to come up just as women are about to expand and grow… just as we are about to rock the center stage of our own life. What are some “Good Girl” symptoms? You may spend energy in gu