Ally Loprete

Red-Carpet SNEAK PREVIEW 800-449-8686



...and We're Back! If you want to know the truth, the last 9 months off the air has been truly grueling and torturous for me, personally. I felt naked without my microphone. I felt irrelevant. I felt forgotten. And then I realized that it wasn't about me. It was about YOU. If you have any doubt what your purpose in life is, you'll discover it the moment that it is taken away from you. The last 9 months for me became an intense exercise in self-discovery, sheer focus, extreme strategy projects and deep deep DEEP housecleaning. (Purging is never easy!) I found myself intensely clawing and clamoring to get my message heard by anyone who would listen...which was even more challenging without my usual broadcasting tools. I'd sob " don't understand. I am on a mission to bring home 1 million parents! Won't you help me??" Well.... SOMEONE heard my cries--- because it's happening just the way I'd envisioned. This Little Parent Stayed Home will relaunch bigger and bolder than ever before... this week on