Ally Loprete

Permission to Take a Break



he most difficult part of being your own boss is knowing when to take a break. No one really intended for the holiday season to be stressful. So why does it become increasingly overwhelming each year? Let's dissect it. (It's my favorite thing to do!) The holidays have become more diverse and although it may take more effort to keep all the annual traditions equally balanced, I have to admit that I really love how much we have progressed as a society. Chrismakah. Shismakah. It's all in good fun. Last night I hosted my annual Hanukkah party for the neighborhood kids which is always ironic because my kids are the only ones there who are actually Jewish. I never intended to be the mom responsibile for giving culture to the non-Jews, but each year I am asked by the other neighborhood moms, "You'll be having your annual Hanukkah party again, right?" Impressed by the interest, the willingness to learn, and the celebratory spirit of others... I just can't say no. Each year, usually by about the 300th latka and burn f