Ally Loprete

Get Organized. Get Naked. Get Happy



Are you passionate about working at home? Lisa Kanarek is. She thrives on the freedom and she celebrates it every day. Making the choice to bring your career home can initially feel like the most liberating move a person can make. I mean let's face it, you can't get fired. You can play hooky anytime you feel like it. You can work in your pajamas, or even naked if you were really so inclined. You can earn as much as your little heart desires without that annoying glass ceiling. What could be better? The sad truth is that being your own boss isn't always as glamorous as it seems. Working at home can get messy. We become clumsy, disorganized, caught up in the double (and triple) duties of being a homemaker and a parent and an entrepreneur. We are always very busy, but often very broke. The passion we feel about our careers gets buried beneath the not-so-fun administrative tasks, the little concentration breakers (those darn kids!) and the pressure we put on ourselves to get an income for our effort. We begin to