Ally Loprete

Do You Believe in Magic?



We could all use a little MAGIC in our lives. I have not even left New York - where I was HONORED to be on the stage at Mom Gets A Business Conference-- (I am writing this as I wait to board the airplane at JFK) -- and I simply cannot contain my enthusiasm for what I just experienced! When I first began this journey as a self-employed stay-at-home Mom, I was not only looking for a way to provide for my children that did not take me away from them every day, but also a way to nurture my desire to make an important mark on the world. I had QUITE an uphill battle ahead of me. I was determined to create wealth ON MY TERMS, prove to the naysayers that IT COULD BE DONE...and I didn't care that I didn't HAVE A CLUE where to start. But I had more than "a clue". I had a VISION that fueled so much passion in me... nothing would allow me to back down. Ignorance was most likely bliss... because if I REALLY KNEW what was ahead of me, I might not have ventured forward. I HAD TO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES-- and I learned to close