Ally Loprete

Get Clear On Your "It" Factor



Behind every successful parent entrepreneur are MORE parent entrepreneurs supporting, encouraging, and nurturing them. There has never been a better time for moms and dads to claim their place in society and earn their way to freedom. You better believe that YOUR CHOICE to be self-employed is making a significant difference for your children and the future that awaits them. Today there is a greater ability to connect with one another than in any past generation. Thanks to our unlimited virtual information sources... (social media platforms and the ability to carry it all around with you in a hand-held mobile device) gone are the days of the lonely house parent who's grown-up intelligence turns to mush from lack of stimulation. We have resources! HURRAH!!! =) =) There is a science behind all of this and when closely examined, it equals progress. It should come as no surprise that we are all --every one of us-- motivated by the exact same thing: The love we have for our children. We may be activated through dif