Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation #309: Dreams say, “Don’t be polite!”



On Today’s show,   James gets some serious advice about a health issue that’s concerned him. The advice is not what he expected.   And Sophie is told to stop being polite to people! What? Would the spirit world really say that? Apparently they would!  Stay tuned to find out why!     Upcoming Courses  Saturday, Feb 4th 2023    Sunday Feb 5th 2023 Learn to Channel with Michael and Sandy      To join my First Tuesday Free Dream Clinic at noon pacific time on the first Tuesday of each month.      If you want your dream analyzed on my show, you can submit it here     And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.   Dream: Wobbly on the stairs (Vertigo)  Chloe dreams about the vertigo her partner suffers from. While channeling on this dream, my angels gave the solution to his prob