5 Smooth Stones

Are miracles, devils, angels, and spiritual warfare real? P5



SUNDAY'S TOPIC:  Are miracles, devils, angels, and spiritual warfare real? Pt-5. Is the Most High still performing miracles today? If so, let's talk about it. If you doubt all of this, let's talk about it. According to the Bible, these signs will follow those who believe. The Father was confirming his word among the early believers with signs, wonders, and miracles to those watching while the early believers were preaching his words. If his word is being spoken, where are the miracles? The Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so what's happening? NO FATHER WOULD LEAVE HIS CHILDREN POWERLESS IN SUCH A CRUEL WORLD. Our father has given us real power folks to live life abundantly!!! Tune in Sunday, January 15, 2023, at 8 p.m. CST. To listen or chat online, please go to this link:   http://tobtr.com/12187202