Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Our top 5 2022 games - Board Game Babble 97



3:28 ***What’s up in Babblot***  Sound design new site https://musicofbarrydoublet.com/ Collecting food resources   11:10 ***Sponsor break***  Amazing deal and late pledge on Game Topper   13:36 ***Things that make the King go Hmmm!***   Wizards OGL debate   29:06 ***Your thoughts in out poll***  Reflecting on your responses about christmas gaming   39:00 ***Sponsor break***  Arcane Wonders late pledge for Foundations of Rome    41:37 ***The Babble***  Reflecting on 2022 and out best games of the year   --------------------------------------- You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should... Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248 Big Thanks to Arcane Wonders and Game Toppers for their support. Music and effect by The Balance Of Power & Syrinscape And watch the live stream of the show here: https://youtu.be/ah0CqfTrV0k Games mentioned:   Dice Manor, Foundations of Rome,  Furnace, Skyrim, Ark Nova, Dead Reckoning, Tiny Turbo Ca