David Hathaway

Walking in fellowship with Christ / Colossians Bible Study (Part 8) Chapter 2:6-12



“As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” Walk in Him! To fulfil our Christian experience and calling, it’s not just a matter of the moment we receive Christ, which is the beginning of our salvation, but it’s the ‘going on’! Walking in fellowship with Christ. This is a daily walk! Not something that happens when you go to church on a Sunday, a prayer meeting or a Bible study. This is a daily experience of fellowship with Christ. I can see the depth of what Paul is saying here, that although he’s not present in the flesh with the believers in Laodicea and others whom he has never met personally, yet the link in the Holy Spirit, in the fellowship of love, makes him one with them! Just as, in our relationship with Christ – whom we have never seen in the flesh – it is our love and our unity in love in Him and with one another, that enables us to receive Christ’s blessings.