Liquid Church

The Power Of Prayer | Breakthrough Part 3



As we seek breakthrough from God in this season of prayer and fasting, some people feel their storm has actually gotten WORSE, not better. They feel discouraged and uncertain. Did you know that Jesus actually warns us about this? Because the enemy (yes, we mean satan), doesn’t want you to see a breakthrough in your life. He will do anything he can to throw you off course. He will put storms in your path. He will tell you to just give up. He will tell you to go back to that old habit or addiction. Our challenge is - Don’t let him! So, how do we fight back? With prayer! James 5:16 says “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” When you pray, our God listens. Remember, satan is not sitting on the throne! God is! So, let’s start praying with FULL reliance on God each day. Think about this: How different would our marriages look if we went to God every single evening and cried out that we couldn’t do it without him? In what ways would our mental health change if we went to God daily and said my