Common Censored

Episode 212 - French Workers Sieze Power, Cops Terrified of Tree Houses, Another Nail in Russiagate's Coffin



Russiagate is already easily refuted, but it seems like the hits (i.e. the truth) keep comin! New evidence shows collusion between social media and the US government to label anything they don't like as Russian bots - which of course turns out were neither Russian nor bots. Discuss.  Following the murder of a forest defender in the Atlanta forest, Dekalb County Police are doing their utmost to paint defenders as terrorists - because apparently sitting in a tree house is absolutely terrifying to our brave lads in blue. At times, we should just be more like the French. As the fight against Macron's proposed pension "reform" continues, French workers are quite literally siezing power. PLUS news and context from Israel/Palestine and Memphis.