Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Lynn Abaté-Johnson, A Daughter’s Journey With Her Mom to the End, Episode 284



Many of us have had the honor to be a caretaker for loved ones in their final days of life. It was just five years ago that I had this journey with my sister. That time was filled with sorrow. It was filled with love and some of the most special moments of my life that I will forever cherish. It's an honor to introduce you to my dear friend, Lynn Abaté-Johnson. She shares her journey and her story with you which I know will touch your heart. This past fall, she launched her new book, Out Of Love a Daughter's Journey With Her Mom to the End, sharing her story of being a caretaker to her mother. After being a primary caretaker to her mother for over six years, she understands the typhoon of emotions and responsibilities that comes with caring for a loved one. However, she discovered how to blossom through caregiving rather than let it drown her.   In This Episode: Lynn shares her feelings when her book was launched and how she’s learning and practicing what she’s learning along the way Her realizatio