Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 435: What is Yud Shevat's Universal Message for the World?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Yud ShevatWhat is the mandate and main lessons of this day? What is the purpose of Chassidus and what is the unique role of the seventh generation? What is the central theme of Basi L’Gani and its message for our times? What is the primary idea of Basi L’Gani chapter 13, and the Rebbe’s key additions in 5723 and 5743? When a Rebbe says a maamar does he prepare for it or is the shechina speaking through him? Why did the Frierdiker Rebbe start enlarging the yud in the second name of his signature leading up to Yud Shevat? Can you share some of the details around the histalkus in 5710? Did the Frierdiker Rebbe wear two yarmulkes? Is it a Lubavitch minhag to wear a double-covering on the head? What did the Frierdiker Rebbe mean when he said “we have to polish the buttons”? What is Yud Shevat’s universal message for the world? Should we encourage non-Jews to follow their religion? Why did you not explain the Sheva Mitzvos to